Are you passionate about taking on big challenges as part of a highly interdisciplinary team doing cutting edge science? 

Is the idea of wrapping your head around a huge variety of disciplines, always coming up the learning curve, generating new paradigms and new insights inviting?

If seeing your work get deployed into the world and making a profound difference appeals to you…

…then this may be the place for you.

We will be posting employment opportunities here to work both with developing core Covalent technology as well as working with the partners bringing the technology to the market.

This is a highly interdisciplinary technology: starting with physicists and chemists, and branching out to partners who specialize in medicine, water and other disciplines in order to bring the technology to the world to help shape the future of health, energy, and the environment.

Industrial Separations

Chemical Purification

Wastewater Treatment

Water Purification

Pharmaceutical Production


Working With The Covalent Technology From Design Through Manufacturing Product:

Covalent LLC
Covalent Water LLC


Working With The Applications In The Field:

Water: to work with Agua Via Ltd